DMA: Data Management and Analysis¶
DMA (Data Management and Analysis) is a topic within the Helmholtz MATTER program MT (Matter and Technologies)
The following map shows the participating centers:
DMA is about data, and data is the key to future scientific breakthroughs. New capabilities, stemming from the outstanding research infrastructrues in Helmholtz, combined with technological advances in computing allow for scientific progress. DMA interlinks between the scientic capabilities and the technological advances by creating synergies: Between research centers and institutes, between scientific fields and experts. As such, DMA is a novel, unique research topic on its own.
The key questions DMA will answer are:
- What will a future fabric for F.A.I.R. data management look like? (F.A.I.R.L Findable Accessible Interoperable Reusable)
- What will be the frontier methods & technologies in data analysis & computing that drive future science?
- How do we ensure the best use of machines, detectors and experiments at extreme data rates & volumes?
DMA constists of three subtopics:
- ST1: The Matter Information Fabric
- ST2: The Digital Scientific Method
- ST3: The Digital Experiment and Machine
Further links: